Umie Irdina's message to the World is "Slowly, but surely".
Any turtle but an entrepreneurial one would vote for this message with all her legs. For an entrepreneurial turtle, however, the message should be more specific. Hence, here is my joke gift for Umie: an Entrepreneurial Turtle shirt with the turtle saying, "Act slowly to fail surely".
Hi Dennis, the message I brought to the world which is "Slowly but surely" means you can take things slow in order to success because as we all know and aware that everything in life require patience and process. There's no one not even an enterprenuere gain their success on their very first day. Slowly doesn't mean you ACT SLOWLY. As per saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day".But still thank you for the gift :)
This my friendly joke gift refers to the famous business book titled 'It's not the big that eats the small, it's the fast that eats the slow' that descibes survival strategies for today's rapidly changing economy. Thank you for your comment, Umie