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[ Swetlana Mitina ]   Created: 11/8/09   Closing date: 11/24/09
Type of improvement: Error correction Area of improvement: Other
Location: http://874984.yklnkrof.asia

I have used an opportunity to upload some photos from my archives. I have forgotten to change names of those photos and tried to change them on the cite.  After I push the button "Submit" I saw the following:

            REPLACE photoSubCatAssoc
id_object = 17,
id_subCat = 4,
ordered = 0
289 Execution error => 1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`fun4biz/photoSubCatAssoc`, CONSTRAINT `photosubcatassoc_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`id_subCat`) REFERENCES `photosubcat` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE)


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